
DSC_0323Every person with diabetes I ever meet I tell them to go to camp. It is an amazing environment with supportive people and the bonds you make with people at camp are fantastic. If you are newly diagnosed or have even had T1D for 10+ years, camp will change your life in some way. Camp will help you learn how to better manage your diabetes and will show you that you are not alone in facing this disease. If you are hesitant about going you should try it. It may just change your life like it changed mine!

— Camp Participant

IMG_6392All of us left camp feeling that we aren’t alone, that we can reach out to others for help and that type 1 diabetes just became easier due to the knowledge and support we gained at camp. We appreciate all that you have done for our family and continue to do for the T1D community.

— Family Camp Participant

2014-CDLN-1038You owe it to your child to send them to this camp. CDLN has been a game changer for [our daughter]. It has given her confidence and it has taught her how to take care of herself. Most importantly it has taught her that she is not the only one, which is often how she feels.

— Camp de los Niños Parent

Greenspan_WebsiteThere’s a huge difference between the patients that go to camp and the patients that don’t…people are able to acquire a lot of education up here, both the kids and the parents. I also see kids that are just more comfortable in their own skin.

— Dr. Greenspan, Pediatric Endocrinologist